Comportamiento informativo en Europa del Este en 2013-2022
The aim of this text is to introduce a general overview of the information behaviour research done by Eastern and Central Europe researchers (or the previously socialist space) over the last decade. Thus, research, which was done by outsiders about this region, is not included in the review.
The question that this text seeks to answer is: What aspects and topics of information behaviour research are covered by researchers from Eastern and Central Europe?
Babik, W. (2014). O konsumpcjiinformacji w e-społeczeństwie z punktuwidzeniaekologiiinformacji [Consumption of information in e-society from the point of view of information ecology]. In: Beata Taraszkiewicz (ed.). Ekologiainformacji w e-społeczeństwie, (pp. 7-25).StowarzyszenieBibliotekarzyPolskich.
BliumenauD.I. (1997). Po povodusushchnostikommunikatsionnoipotrebnosti. [On the essence of information need]. Nauchno-tekhnicheskayainformatsiya. Series 1, (5), 38-43. (Archived by WebCite® at
Burešová, I. &Havigerová, J.M. (2015). Information behavior of gifted children in the pre-literate stage. Qualitative study. American Journal of Educational Research, 3(2), 159-165. doi:
Case, D.O. (2007). Looking for information: a survey of research on information seeking, needs, and behavior. Academic Press.
ChernyJ.J. (2008). Shkolanauchnoiinformacii. Lekciya 7[School of scientific information. Lecture 7]. (Archived by WebCite® at
Cimbal, S.M. (ЦимбалС. М.) (2020). Інформаційнаповедінкастудентівзакладувищоїосвітивсуспільствізнань[Information behavior of students of a higher education institution in the knowledge society]. InОсобистість студента та соціокультурнесередовищеуніверситету в суспільномуконтексті :збірникнауковихпраць ІVВсеукраїнськоїнауково-практичноїконференції (18 травня 2020 р., м. Київ), (pp. 119-121). Київ.
Cisek, S., Korycińska, P.&Krakowska, M. (2018). Information grounds in the eyes of the first-year information management students. In: Kurbanoğlu, S., Boustany, J., Špiranec, S., Grassian, E., Mizrachi, D., Roy, L. (eds.) Information Literacy in the Workplace. ECIL 2017, (pp. 535-544). Springer.
Cisek, S. &Krakowska, M. (2020). Zachowaniainformacyjnenaukowców : w poszukiwaniumodeluzintegrowanego [Information behaviour of scientists: looking for an integrated model]. In: Nowina Konopka, M., Świerczyńska-Głownia W., Hess A. (eds.) Komunikowanieinterdyscyplinarne (pp. 15-36). WydawnictwoToC
Cisek, S.&Krakowska, M. (2019a). The diary method and analysis of student’s mental representations of information spaces as the research approach in information behaviour research. Information Research, 24(4), paper colis1901.
Cisek, S. & Krakowska, M. (2019b). Qualitative analysis of visual data in information behavior research. Zagadnienia Informacji Naukowej, 57(1), 7-25
Deja, M. &Próchnicka, M. (2018). Metadata as a normalising mechanism for information-transfer behaviour in higher education institutions: the information culture perspective In Proceedings of ISIC, the Information Behaviour Conference, Krakow, Poland, 9-11 October: Part 1. Information Research, 23(4), paper isic1811. (Archived by WebCite® at
Dukić, D. &Strišković, J. (2015). Croatian university students' use and perception of electronic resources. Library & Information Science Research, 37(3), 244–253.
Erčulj, V.I., Žiberna, A. &GlobevnikVelikonja, V. (2019). Exploring online social support among infertility treatment patients: a text-mining approach. Information Research, 24(1), paper 807. (Archived by WebCite® at
Faletar, S., Balog, K.P., Bajić, M., &Badurina, B. (2022). Information needs and behaviour of incarcerated persons in Croatia: findings from a national quantitative study. In Proceedings of ISIC: the information behaviour conference, Berlin, Germany, 26-29 September, 2022. Information Research, 26(Special issue), isic2213.
FaletarTanacković, S., DragijaIvanović, M. &Cupar, D. (2017). Scholarly electronic databases and library & information sciences students in Croatia: motivations, uses and barriers. InProceedings of ISIC, the Information Behaviour Conference, Zadar, Croatia, 20-23 September, 2016: Part 2. Information Research, 22(1), paper isic1625). (Archived by WebCite® at
FaletarTanacković, S., Bajić, M. &DragijaIvanović, M. (2021). Reading behind bars: results of a study into reading interests and library use of prisoners in Croatian correctional facilities. In J. Garner, (Ed.) Exploring the roles and practices of libraries in prisons: international perspectives, (pp. 183-200). Emerald Publishing Limited.
Garvey, W.D. & Griffith, B.C. (1965). Scientific communication: the dissemination system in psychology and a theoretical framework for planning innovations. American Psychologist, 20(2), 157–164.
Grigas, V.&Gudinavičius, A. (2022). Stakeholders’ perceptions of book piracy’s benefits to society in Lithuania. Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication, 71(6/7), 605-618,
Grigas V., Gudinavičius A. &Černevičiūtė E. (2021). Use of illegally distributed books in Lithuania. Informacijosmokslai, 91, 83-99,
Gudinavičius, A. (2020). Changing taxpayers’ beliefs with information that enables to make sense of taxes: the case of Lithuania. In Proceedings of ISIC, the Information Behaviour Conference, Pretoria, South Africa, 28-30 September, 2020. Information Research, 25(4), paper isic2019, (Archived by the Internet Archive at
Gudinavičius, A. &Grigas, V. (2022). Causes and consequences of unauthorized use of books: readers, authors, and publishers' perspective. Online Information Review, Vol. 46 No. 5, pp. 886-903.
Gudinavičius, A. &Šuminas, A. (2018). Choosing a book by its cover: analysis of a reader’s choice. Journal of Documentation, 74(2), 430-446.
Havigerová, J.M. &Haviger, J. (2014) Where preschool children acquire information about a topic that they enjoy: Giftedness-based study. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 112, 219-224.
Hrčková, A., Srba, I., Móro, R., Blaho, R., Šimko, J., Návrat, P. &Bieliková, M. (2019). Unravelling the basic concepts and intents of misbehavior in post-truth society. Biblioteca. Anales de nvestigación, 15(3), 424-428
Janiūnienė E. (2007). Vadybininkoinformacinė elgsenaorganizacijoje: socialinių tinklų naudojimas [Information behaviour of a manager in an organization: usage of social networks]. Informacijosmokslai, 40, 57-65.
Janiūnienė E. & Maceviciute, E. (2016). Information sharing between doctoral students and supervisors: fixed roles and flexible attitudes In Proceedings of ISIC, the Information Behaviour Conference, Zadar, Croatia, 20-23 September, 2016: Part 1. Information Research, 21(4), paper isic1607. Retrieved from (Archived by WebCite® at
Jermak, M. (2014). Rolainternetu w życiumłodzieży. In: Beata Taraszkiewicz (ed.). Ekologiainformacji w e-społeczeństwie (pp. 200-224). StowarzyszenieBibliotekarzyPolskich.
Jukhnovec T. S. (2012). Informatsionnyeresursybibliotek v sistemeudovletvoreniyainformatsionnykhpotrebnosteistudentovvuza (pomaterialamsociologicheskogoissledovaniya) [Library information resources in the system of support for the students of HEIs (materials of sociological research)]. Nauchnye i technicheskiebiblioteki, 2012(4), 12-17.
Juric, M. (2017). The role of the need for cognition in the university students’ reading behaviour In Proceedings of ISIC, the Information Behaviour Conference, Zadar, Croatia, 20-23 September, 2016: Part 2. Information Research, 22(1), paper isic1620). Retrieved from (Archived by WebCite® at
KalinovskayaN.A. &UstimovD.J. (2006). Informatsionnyi stress. Informatsionno- psichologicheskayabezopasnost’ lichnostikakkachestvennayakharakteristikainformatsionnoikul’turycheloveka [Information stress. Informational and psychological security of a personality as a quality of personal information culture]. Kazan’: KGUKI.
Kamińska, A. (2014). Wykorzystanieźródeł i narzędzielektronicznychprzezpolskichstudentówkierunkówhumanistycznych [Use of electronic sources and tools by Polish students of humanities]. ZagadnieniaInformacjiNaukowej: StudiaInformacijne, 52(2), 149-163.
Katavić, S. S., Martinović, I., & Kim, S. U. (2020). College students' sexual health information needs and source preferences in relation to worry about sexual health outcomes. Information Research, 25(1), paper 853. (Archived by the Internet Archive at
Kisilowska, M. (2015). Sieciowezachowaniainformacyjne w obszarzezdrowiajakoprzedmiotbadań w informatologii i w innychdyscyplinach [Network information behaviour in the area of health as an object of research in information science and other disciplines]. PrzeglądBiblioteczny, 83(3), 382-397.
Kowalska-Chrzanowska, M. &Książek, T. (2019). Kompetencjecyfrowe a zachowaniainformacyjnestudentówkierunkówinformatologicznych. StudiumprzypadkuUniwersytetuMikołajaKopernika w Toruniu [Digital competence and information behaviour of information science students. A case study of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun]. Annales UniversitatisCracoviensis. StudiaadBibliothecarumScientiamPertinentia, 17,
Krtalić, M., Marčetić, H. &Mičunović, M. (2016). Personal digital information archiving among students of social sciences and humanities. Information Research, 21(2), paper 716, (Archived by WebCite® at
Krakowska, M. (2020). Affective factors in human information behavior: A conceptual analysis of interdisciplinary research on information behavior. ZagadnieniaInformacjiNaukowej, 58(1A): Interdisciplinarnoscbadannauki o informacji, 75-95.
Krakowska, M. (2020). Information behavior in crisis situations. ZagadnieniaInformacjiNaukowej, 58(2A): Sytuacjekryzysowe a nauka o informacji, 61-85
Krakowska, M. (2022). Zachowaniainformacyjneczłowieka w kontekściezjawiskaepistemicznejbańkiinformacyjnej :propozycjanowejkoncepcji[Human information behaviour in the context of the epistemic information bubble phenomenon : a proposal for a new concept]. WydawnictwoUniwersytetuJagiellońskiego.
Krasikova J. (2010). Bibliotekasovremennogovuza: informatsionnyeozhidaniya i osobennostiinformatsionnogopovedeniyapol’zovatelei [A library of a contemporary university: expectations and features of information behaviour of users]. Nauchnye i technicheskiebiblioteki, (6), 27-38.
Kudma, D., Eliáš, L., Svinka, M.& Lorenz, M. (2017). InformačnízvykyuživatelůinformačníhosystémuMasarykovyuniverzity: průzkummezistudentyinformačníchstudií a knihovnictví[Information habits of users of the Masaryk University information system: a survey among students of information studies and librarianship]. ProInFlow: Časopis pro informačnívědy, 9(1), 57-70.
Kugel' S.A., Zus'man O.M.&MinkinaV.A. (1995). Informatsionnoepovedenieuchenych - predstaviteleinauchnoielity. [Information behaviour of scientists - representatives of scientific elite]. Nauchno-tekhnicheskayainformatsiya, Series 1, (7), 12-18.
KulakovaE.V. (2000). Informatsionnoepovedeniespecialistov: sushchnost’ i putiizucheniya. Avtoreferatdissertacii... [Information behaviour of specialists: the essence and ways of research]. Sankt Peterburg: SPbGUKI. (Archived by WebCite® at
Lakowska, J. &Gustowski, W. (2014). Czytelnictwo e-booków w świetlebadańankietowychprzeprowadzonychwśródpolskich i słowackichstudentów [Reading e-books in the light of surveys among Polish and Slovak students]. In: Beata Taraszkiewicz (ed.). Ekologiainformacji w e-społeczeństwie, (pp. 97-116). StowarzyszenieBibliotekarzyPolskich.
Lauri, L., Heidmets, M. &Virkus, S. (2016). The information culture of higher education institutions: the Estonian case. Information Research, 21(3), paper 722. Retrieved from (Archived by WebCite® at
Lipková, H.,Římanová, R.,Jarolímková, A.&Zadražilová, I. (2017). Information behavior of elderly citizens in search for information on current events. ProInflow, 9(1), 4-22
Macevičiūtė, E. (1997). Informacijosieškojimaskontekste. Tamperėskonferencijospranešimų apžvalga. [Information seeking in context: review of Tampere conference.] Informacijosmokslai, 6, 109-115.
Maceviciute, E. (2013). Theoretical approaches in Russia and Eastern Europe. In: Wilson, T. (ed.).Theory in information behaviour research, (pp. 159-182). Eiconics Limited.
Macevičiūtė, E. (2006). Information needs research in Russia and Lithuania, 1965-2003.Information Research,11(3) paper 256,
Maceviciute, E., &Kepaliene, F. (2022). Factors influencing Lithuanian researchers’ use of open access repositories as a publishing channel. In Proceedings of ISIC: the information behaviour conference, Berlin, Germany, 26-29 September, 2022.Information Research, 27(Special issue), isic2210.
Maceviciute, E. &Manzuch, Z. (2018). Conceptualising the role of digital reading in social and digital inclusion In Proceedings of ISIC, the Information Behaviour Conference, Krakow, Poland, 9-11 October, 2018: Part 1. Information Research, 23(4), paper isic1805. Retrieved from (Archived by WebCite® at
Maksimov, N.V. &Zabegaeva, N.N. (2001). Informatsionnyipoisk i modelipovedeniyapol'zovatelei.[Information search and models of information users' behaviour.] Nauchno-tekhnicheskayainformatsiya, Series 1, (11), 10-21. Retrieved 21 March 2013 from (Archived by WebCite® at
Manžuch, Z. & Maceviciute, K. (2020). A life goals perspective on the information behaviour of elderly adults. In Proceedings of ISIC, the Information Behaviour Conference, Pretoria, South Africa, 28 September - 01 October, 2020. Information Research, 25(4), paper isic2005. (Archived by the Internet Archive at
Marčetić, H. (2015). Exploring the methods and practises of personal digital information archiving among the student population. ProInflow: časopis pro informačnívědy, 7(1), 29-40. Retrieved from (Archived by WebCite® at
Markusova V.A., GilyarevskiiR.S. ChernyiA.I. & Griffith B.C. (1996). Information behaviour of Russian scientists in the “Perestroika” period: results of the questionnaire survey. Scientometrics, 37(2), 361-380.
Martinović, I. &Stričević, I. (2016). Information needs and behaviour of parents of vhildren with autism spectrum disorders: Parents’ reports on their experiences and perceptions In Proceedings of ISIC, the Information Behaviour Conference, Zadar, Croatia, 20-23 September, 2016: Part 1. Information Research, 21(4), paper isic1609. Retrieved from (Archived by WebCite® at
MatvienkoD.V. (2009) Kul’turainformacionnogopovedeniyapol’zovatelej Internet: filosofsko-kul’turologicheskoeissledovanie[Culture of information behaviour of internet users: philosophical-culturas study]. Aftoreferatdissertacii. Krasnodar: KGUKI.
Melentieva J.P. (2009). Reading among young Russians: some modern tendencies. Slavic & East European Information Resources, 10(4), 304-321.
Mierzecka, A. (2015). Information behavior within the humanities: Searching or browsing, recall or precision? Researching the information needs of academics: the case study of the Faculty of History of the University of Warsaw. Zagadnienia Informacji Naukowej, 53(1), 82-95.
Mierzecka-Szczepańska, A. (2013). Badaniazachowańinformacijnych[Information behaviour research]. Stowarzyszenie Bibliotekarzy Polskich.
Mierzecka, A., &Łączyński, M. (2022). For the win! Information needs in discourse of board gamers’ online communities. In Proceedings of ISIC: the information behaviour conference, Berlin, Germany, 26-29 September, 2022. Information Research, 27(Special issue), isic2203. Retrieved from (Archived by the Internet Archive at ...)
Mierzecka, A., Wasilewski, J. &Kisilowskas, M. (2019). Cognitive authority, emotions and information quality evaluations. In Proceedings of CoLIS, the Tenth International Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Science, Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 16-19, 2019. Information Research, 24(4), paper colis1910. Retrieved from (Archived by the Internet Archive at
Niedźwiedzka B. (2001) Poszukującyinformacji, czyteż unikającytegozadaniaużytkownik [Searching for information, and also a user avoiding this task]. Praktyka i teoriainformacjinaukowej i technicznej. (1-2), 24-31.
Niedźwiedzka B. (2002). Modyfikacjamodeluzachowań informacyjnych T. Wilsona w świetlewynikówbadaniazachowań informacyjnychmenedżerów [Modification of Wilson’s information behaviour model with regard to the results of research into information behaviour of managers]. Zagadnieniainformacjinaukowej, 79(1), 22-34.
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Rogala, A. (2020). Information behaviors of modern consumers: The case of Polish food market. In: Bilgin, M., Danis, H., Demir, E., Aysan, A. (eds). Eurasian Business Perspectives. Springer. (Eurasian Studies in Business and Economics, vol. 13/2.),
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